
Question about Drinking?

by  |  earlier

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I was at my friends party and only my other friend and myself weren't drinking. I really dont feel any reason to drink, it doesn't call out to me but I want to know what it feels like when your drunk, whats the point of being drunk.




  1. well its ur choice, ur decision if u drink or not... no one elses. if u choose not to, then more power to u. but if u do, dont overdo it ur first time. me personally, i like to drink. i am more social, and i have fun (i have fun always lol, cuz thats just me but...) but when u are drunk, u talk really loud and have no clue what u are sayin. i call or txt ppl and dont know i did til the next mornin when they call me back or i look at my phone. also, if you get shitfaced you will prob throw up or pass out in random places, on balconies, bathroom floors, with ur head in the toilet. dont do ANYTHING you dont want to, but if you decide to drink, have someone there you trust to watch you...make sure you dont drive... stuff like that.  


    it's like seriously, what's the thrill of alcohol?

    when i have fun, i want to remember it. and not just by seeing embarrassing photos on facebook...

  3. try it and find out.  dont get totally drunk at first.  just drink a little and you'll see.  the point is that when you are drunk things seem different and its easier to get with girls

  4. there is no point, it's just pathetic

  5. all your problems dont seem to matter when youre drunk

  6. It's basically for entertainment.  Sometimes being in reality sucks, and changing your perception (be it getting high or drinking) makes you be able to "get away" from things.  It's also really fun to watch drunk people while you're drunk.  Yeah

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