
Question about Excel - Quick 10 Points!!?

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Hi, I'm printing out a log I've created in Excel. The top row is the only one with text in it. The rest of the rows will be handwritten. I have figured out how to print the gridlines. I also reset the margins on top and bottom so that more rows will print on one page.

But now, when I print the page, two of the rows are double in the gridline between rows 12 and 13 is missing. And then it does it again later in the page. It only started doing this when I adjusted the top and bottom margin.

Does anyone know how to stop it from printing the double rows? They don't show as double rows in the print preview screen.

I'm trying to do this now, so if the first person who suggests something that works gets the 10 pts immediately!




  1. not sure if this is the problem or not, but worth a look.  Sounds like you might have some manual page breaks inserted in your print range.

    (in excel 2003)

    scroll down to the area that causing the problem and go to Insert menu. If the option is "page break" then there is no page break there. But if the option says "remove page break", then that means there is a page break.  Select the remove page break to get rid of it.

    (in excel 2007 it's on the page layout ribbon

    you can also go to View > Page Break Preview to see how excel is going to split up your pages

    (in excel 2007 it's on the View ribbon)

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