
Question about External mics and EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena?

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Alright im looking for an external microphone for my digital recorder to pick up EVP better. Can anyone give me a link to a store on the web for these ive looked everywhere but cant find good ones. Also is there any type of equipment that picks up very very small sounds that usually cant be heard with normal recorders? if so please tell me and send links to these places. Thank you.




  1. I am a paranormal investigator incolorado the best digital recorder I have found is made by rca.I use a external mic from radio shack  it is a clip on mike with a 360 dgree pick up these have been the best I have found

  2. It is not clear to me what you mean by --- EVP Electronic Voice Phenomena.  Is this some type of synthetic voice synthesis?

    A very good analog amplifier based microphone is the Sonic Super Ear personal sound amplifier by Sonic Technology Products, Inc.

    For hearing very, very small (low level) sounds, I would recommend a piezoelectric transducer as the pickup element, feeding into an tunable ultrasonic receiver.  These things are very sensitive.  A good one can pick up and hear a fly walking on a table top and feeding.

    Hope that helps.

  3. I have  used the items on this site and they work very well for hearing from a distance or for intense hearing close up.

  4. most anything you want can be bought at circuit city. the more money your willing to spend, the better the equipment. A good digital recorder is all thast really needed. if you go too sensitive, your liable to pick up noises not related to what your looking for. listening devices such as amplifiers can pick up sounds from miles away or thru walls, you dont want to mistake someone talking a mile away for an evp. that has happened more than you know. The military and law enforcement uses these dishes to listen in on whats happening inside of buildings from outside or long distance conversations. i dont think your looking for that to happen when you want to catch an EVP.

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