
Question about Fertilizers.?

by  |  earlier

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hey i am wondering if anyone noe these answers....

1.) advantages and disadvantages of organic and inorganic fertilizers

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2.) infomation on organic and inorganic fertilizers

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  1. advantage of organic fertilizer instead of N-P-K its also have micronutrient that also helps to the growth of the plant and other mineral disavantage of this none.Inorganic it just focus on N-P-K or the Nitrogen- Phosphorus and Potassium disavantage if you don't know how to use this fertilizer it can also damage the plant example if the require fertilizer for the soil 14-0-0 and you applied fertilizer with 14-14-14 or complete inorganic fertilizer it can damage the plant from excess feritlizer or improper application also can damage the plant.

    organic fertilizer it can be manure,leaves, dry grass anything that can be add to the soil but the most common fertilizer in the market is the manure type. or check the web for other information

  2. organic ones are better for the environment because of chemiclas in it arent as high

  3. Enough information to answer both your questions and write a term paper.

  4. help .... they have me hooked onto machines which are connected to me - i am currently supplying enough fertilizer for the whole UK.... but am not sure how long i can keep it up. I think they feed me lots of ex lex pills.... which helps more fertilizer to be made.

    Oh i definetly provide organicly lol

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