
Question about Fire-belly Toad?

by Guest66803  |  earlier

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I have 2 Fire-belly Toads. I was doing some research and it says that they can't climb. Well... one of mine can. It climbs up the tank and the plants. Is that normal, did I do anything wrong.




  1. my toads climb the glass and branches all the time so it is normal they are quite good climbers and you have done nothing wrong, you have just found the problem with some sites they can be conflicting so it is always best to look at lots and get the general information not just rely on one site for information, best of luck with the toads honey

  2. cant climb?? i never heard of that. i heard they are "blind" but can climb. i have a fire belley toad and he climbs up the walls sometimes and on plants i have in there. i would do more research if i was you.

  3. fire belly toads can climb. they can even climb the sides of glass tanks and are quite good climbers really. ive never heard of theis "cant climb" thing before

    oh and the girl who said there blind. there not but they dont have very good eyesight but they can see

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