
Question about GED and college?

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I'm 15 right now, and high school is really boring for me. And not in the way that I don't want to do my work kind of boring, but I don't feel like I am learning anything new. I really want to start college already. In my state you have to be at least 16 to take your GED. So, when I finish my sophomore year should I take my GED and then go to college?

The problem I have is that a lot of people think that people get their GED because they aren't smart and they drop out of school and get their GED so they can get a decent job or go to community college, etc, etc.

Do colleges think less of those who have a GED?

Going to community college and highschool at the same time is not an option, because I have a job, and I don't have my drivers licence yet...

Please share your opinions!

Thanks :]




  1. with a community college, you save a lot of money.  first gradauate from high school, then go to a community college

  2. Get your Ged then attend community college for the first two years you can then transfer to a four year college with a lot less hassle.  

  3. Has school started already?  Maybe you need to go to your counselor and ask to be put in the Advance Placement classes.  These classes are a lot more exciting and interesting.  Most of the kids in the AP classes are motivated and college bound.  If you get into these classes, you will really be challenged.  The GED is really not for you.  You are too smart.

    Colleges will probably not give you a serious look.  The GED is very easy to pass and colleges are looking for students that like challenging curriculum.

  4. The G.E.D is harder to earn than a high school diploma.  In fact 1 out of 4 high school seniors can not pass this test, and some of the smartest people have G.E.D including Bill Cosby, and a state governor (I can't think of which one).  Many people who earn it go on to become doctors, lawyers, surgeon generals, etc.  It's expected at 95% of colleges in the U.S.  if you really want to do this talk to your parents, and give them the facts.

  5. why rush it? If your a sophmore now just stick it out get your highschool will be much easier to go from hs to college than to get your GED. there is nothing wrong with ppl who do get geds but why drop out becuz your bored. I say stick it out and enjoy your teenage years some more then concentrate on college...

  6. It is ultimately your choice but I do not think colleges really look so much at your high school transcript vs GED as in you are ultimately dubbed a drop out. But They do look at your extra curricular activities. Those are important to colleges and might be what you need to make high school more exciting. Also Colleges do look at your ACT or SAT scores. Test depend on what state you are in. You need those scores before you go to college so I would recommend taking it this Dec. and then again this april. Take it twice because the first time is usually a prep anyway. This is what I would go by to see if you should take your GED bc if your scores are too low or mediocre then I would not take the GED yet. Plus with college even if high school is easy for you then sometimes college is seen as a shot because you have to teach yourself how to study since you have never had to before. So you might want to look at other points. Such as You will be able to get a scholarship to college with a 4.0 after senior year, they look at extra curriculars that you do in high school, and your SAT/ACT test scores. Think about all of those before you sign up to take your GED.

  7.    Dropping out of high school is the surest way to show any college you can't finish what you started.

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