
Question about Greece & Serbia friendship? How did it start?

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They say "WAR makes strange bed fellows"

I heard somewhere that the friendship between Greece and Serbia started after the World Wars.

Did it begin because of war and conflict? Or was there relations/mutual friendship before? But STRENGHTEN by conflict?

So I wonder if there isn't a group of people out there that wants conflict (even to the point of artifically creating it) so that they can have a reason to feel that their FRIENDSHIP is stronger.




  1. it started in byzantine times and serbia had help the greeks more than the greeks helped serbia.

    all those who say that we are friends because of the religion are either ignorants or don't know anything about serbia. it's amazing how people who are not very religious claim that religion unites them with another nation. we have the same religion with bulgaria too and we had many wars against them.

    friendship didnt start AFTER the world wars!!! the friendship became stronger BEFORE the world wars during the balkan wars when we got rid of the turks in europe.

    yugoslavia has been through h**l the last 20 years. no group of people did, or want to create artifically any kind of friendship for no reason at all. they have more serious issues than some kind of friendship with greece that didnt help them too much after all.

    ps. please let personal issues out of national matters.

  2. A similar question was asked some time before you and you can check some interesting answers there:

    And as far as it concerns friendships through war and conflict...l don't think so, people are people and we are common people. I don't care if a person is Serbian or German or whatever....friendship between people is simply friendship. Politics between countries...sorry l won't take, too corrupted for an average working person like myself.

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