
Question about Greyhound?

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when i purchase a ticket? I have a school ID card, even though that card does not have my age, my school schedule paper has my age and name, could i use that to show them my age? I could use the Card for my pic and name and the schedule for my age, will that work?




  1. Yeah, that's plenty.

  2. Greyhound does not gennerally ask for ID to ride or buy a ticket unless the ticket is bought with a credit card. However, I would strongly suggest avoiding Greyhound at all costs as their service is terrible! Consider using another bus firm or even Amtrak.

  3. I'm pretty sure they would.

    Do you have a birth certificate? you could also show them that.

    your school ID card, should say the grade you are in too, you can usually tell someones age by the grade that they are in like

    8th grade is usually 14 year old

    9th =15 year olds

    and so on.

  4. question why are you using greyhound you aren't trying

    to runway from home now are you?

    (I wouldn't use greyhound right now anyway their customer

    service is very bad and some their buses have caught fire

    or been in accidents plus one time a friend rode

    greyhound and the restroom overflowed  (not a pretty sight

    and very smelly one too) and the driver refused to anything


    another friend was stranded on the freeway by greyhound

    the bus broke down on the freeway and greyhound

    couldn't send a replacement bus

    and another incident -in Portland Oregon at 10:00pm

    the regular bus came through couldn't load any passengers

    Greyhound did arrange for another bus -to come pick

    up the passengers -expect it didn't come till

    1:30am in the morning and the portland greyhound station closed at Midnight and all passeners were forced to wait for the bus in the cold weather and it wasn't a greyhound bus

    and the driver didn't speak English or even know how

    to get to Seattle!

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