
Question about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire?

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So I've read every book but I just can't remember for the life of me what binds a person to compete in the Triwizard tournament when one is selected. What happens if you choose not to? I know I suck cuz I can't remember but if anyone could tell me it'd be great!! O - btw it's on abc family right now :)




  1. There is something that binds you to it, they said that it's kind of like a contract. But it never says what happens if you choose not to compete.

  2. I don't think there is a certain thing that binds you to do it, it's just that if you enter your name, you know that you could be chosen, and if you are, you could die.

    And once you've put your name in, there's no going back.

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