
Question about Hobbies? Please help!?

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I need a hobby but a lot doesn't interest me. I'm not into jewelry making. I enjoy painting statues which I already do. I don't like knitting or crocheting. Latch hook is alright. I love to draw but what else is there to draw besides Anime, Realism, and Cartoons? Also what kind of different ways of writing are there besides Stories/ Poetry? I'd like some creative, relatively inexpensive hobbies. Thanks!




  1. How about fishing? Gardening? Photography? Stamp collecting? Metal detecting? Cooking? Traveling?

    There is so much to do and so little time to do it. I would need Bill Gate's money and 50 lifetimes to do everything I want to do.

    But I do what I do and then I do some more.

    Good luck!

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

  2. If you like to draw, you could start sketching.  Draw from photographs and scenery or buildings or anything that interests you!  There's no limit to what you draw so just go with whatever you think.  You can experiment with different medias too, like charcoal for example.  If you already paint statues then you might be into painting your sketches or anything like that.

    It's hard to suggest something for someone you don't know but for example, if you were into skateboarding, you could make some skateboard designs and maybe make small models of them (it's really easy to get little scraps of wood or little wooden spatulas which already are shaped like skateboards).  You could build up to making bigger models.

    If you were into fashion, you could design some clothes or accessories (scarves, bags, shoes, hats, socks, ties, etc) and try stitching a few little designs and if that takes your fancy, work your way up.  It's cheap too as most fabric stores will give you their cut-offs for free if you ask.  You won't get large samples of material, but enough to make small things.

    What about something like woodwork or metalwork?  You could buy yourself a cheap starters kit and give it a try (just do a search for some craft supply websites if you don't have a craftshop nearby).

    There are loads of other things too ... like working with clay or trying your hand at tattoo art (you could buy some henna - it makes a tattoo that lasts a few weeks), or painting glass (easy to get glass paint from any craft supplier)... if you don't want to make jewellery, you could make keyrings or anything like that.  You don't have to work with beads but there's wire, sheet metal (for example, if you work with copper sheet metal you can cut it with scissors and put designs in it or emboss it and you can heat it over a candle to change the colour), fabrics, felt, wax (make candles or pictures?), paper craft ... you could make cards (I know it sounds a little boring but hey at least they'll come in useful at some point) or your own paper (basically just ripping up paper and putting it in a blender with water and whatever else you want, then making sheets out of the pulp... find instructions on the internet)... and so on.

    For the writing, you could try your hand at journalism - maybe just document local events (or matters that interest you) yourself and build up a little profile of it to see if you like it and you could maybe ask your local newspaper if they'd like any contributions.  Or try your hand at an internet blog?

    There's really no end to what you could do, hopefully I've given you a few ideas or at least said something that made you think of a new idea yourself!!

    If none of them take your fancy, how about taking up a musical instrument or something like that??

    Good luck!

  3. collecting coins or stamps.

  4. That's a good question! It's always important to explore different options and it's ok to have lots of hobbies. Don't say no to any hobby like knitting and crocheting etc. because maybe now you don't like it, but maybe some day you will. I think you should go to the library. They have wonderful books on hobbies with great creative very different ideas. There are drawing books, maybe try caligraphy or painting and charcoal etc. Look in your local newspaper for courses that are being offered to try out hobbies. As for writing there are also books in the library of different types of writing. How about trying a photo essay? Or short writings on life and nature?

    In conclusion, go to the library. There are so many different options you can do once you open your eyes. Klutz books are also great. They are creative and fun and not too expensive. Have a great time and good luck!

    : )

  5. scrap booking is interesting and not that expensive

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