
Question about Horse Insurance?

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With my battle to get a horse with my mom, I think I have convinced her except for the what if the horse gets in an accident part. My mom has seen too many of our friends horses get hurt, and the owners spend thousands sending it to a vet. If we got insurance on the horse, and lets say it got a flue or fractured its leg, would that be covered in the insurance? what would we still have to pay? Also- what would be the 'estimated' insurance cost for a 15 H 9 year old Morgan x Gelding, that would be showing in Dressage, English Pleasure, Western Pleasure and maybe some games?

Thanks so much :]





  1. I am sorry to say but it would run way more than the value of the horse. however, you cant put a value on the love of your horse. just as you cant put a value on the love of a person, ie, your mother. please respect your mother and value her opinion. your mother loves you, she loves you dearly and has your best intrest at heart. please do not try to replace your mothers love with a horse.

  2. Every insurance plan is different. You should get an insurance policy that will cover lameness and disease, as well as colic surgery. The cost on this can vary depending on the value of your horse as well as what options you choose. There is mortality insurance, that covers you in the case of your horse's death. There is also major medical that should cover lameness and disease. Major medical may or may not cover colic surgery, depending on the specifics of your plan. If it does not, there should be a surgical option. Loss of use insurance is also available, which would cover if your horse was permanantly injured, but it is rather expensive and often not worth the cost. Here are links to a couple of places where you can get online quotes for your horse insurance. I've been through this several times for my clients, so if you have any questions, please feel free to email me. Happy shopping :)

    By the way: I pay approx $450 for my gelding on a $5500 mortality policy with major medical/colic surgery. I pay approx $700 for my mare on a $10,000 mortality and major medical/colic. The rate for them *I think* is 3.4% of value, plus $250 for medical??? And I have a $250 deductible on both. For hunter/jumper. The rate is probably different for pleasure though (I would guess a little less)

  3. The insurance premium you pay depends on the value of your horse (usually the amount you paid, though if you've won several shows you can increase the value) and the amount of your deductible. The higher the deductible, the lower your premium, but the more out-of-pocket you'll have to pay for your vet bill.

    Now, there are several types of insurance coverage open to you. The ones you'll probably want to purchase are Major Medical, Mortality, and Colic Surgery. Major Medical is your comprehensive injury or illness plan. It will cover treatments for pulled muscles or ligaments, broken bones, founder, etc. Read your coverage carefully, though, because many companies won't reimburse you for experimental treatments. Your coverage will also only extend as high as the value of your horse. Mortality coverage will reimburse you the value of the horse in the event of death. Colic Insurance will cover the cost of surgery in the event your horse has debilitating colic.

    I insure my horses with and recommend my clients to Kaplow Insurance company, a division of the Hartford. They have great customer service, and they get checks quickly in the mail.

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