
Question about Ichigo's Dad?

by  |  earlier

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If Ichigo's dad used to be a shinigami till he was defeated, how is it that he was able to go to earth and get maried, because aren't all shinigami, except for Ichigo, dead? None of this makes scense to me, would some one please explain?




  1. Who says he didn't get a special gigai? He is an associate of Urahara after all.

    Also, it's a theory of mine, along with a few others, that Ichigo's mom was a Shinigami herself. Of course, she could be anything at this point.

  2. hmmm.... dunno.. im thinking a gigai or something. they havent explained that.. keep watching bleach and they might say something about that.

  3. I think the same as Wein K. His dad probably got a special gigai from Urahara, since he can make almost anything.

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