
Question about Intelligence?

by  |  earlier

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If you are a pharmacist can you please answer

my question? Because i posted this many times but

no one knows the answer.

Is there a pill that is supposed to increase your intelligence


i want to achieve high intelligence, isn't there a pill that

increases your level of intelligence?

don't answer if u don't know 'cause there might be one

but you just don't know about it.





  1. vaso pressin was once considered an intelligence drug but even if it aided the brain one still must be educated properly in order to utilize it .they also have nutritive brain food like focus factor .and their are claims blueberries enhance nerve restoration.   good luck

  2. Actually, it is good to exercise the brain thinking from time to time which is better than taking pill. like for example, you count mentally on your head from 1 to 100 and then counting back from 100 to 1. this can stimulate your brain activity to focus on what you are thinking. it is said that the beginning of wisdom is to acquire wisdom. and with all your acquiring get understanding. plus, reading is one of the best sources to help you increase your thinking ability. good luck.

  3. Omega-3's promote brain and eye function, but will not make you smarter.  That part is up to you, and how you apply yourself.

  4. No there is no magic pill to make you smarter. ADD and ADHD drugs can make you pay more attention though.

  5. There is no "magic pill' that will make you more intelligent. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it's the truth.

    If you find a pill that claims to increase your intelligence, it's just another scam. Don't waste your money on it.

  6. Intelligence is such an abstract concept, it's difficult to define what it means to be "intelligent", let alone isolate it as a variable. What kind of intelligence are you looking to boost?

    At this point, here is no known medication that you can take to improve your "intelligence". There are a few herbal supplements that are marketed as "memory boosters" and whatnot, but there's not a single shred of evidence to support their hype.

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