
Question about K9 dogs.?

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Are most of the K9 dogs German Shepard's and where do they get them from? thanks




  1. There are companies that raise and train the dogs then sell them to police and law enforcement around the world.  Most departments don't deal with the breading and initial training.


    They are from breeders who usually also do the training - then the departments get the dogs around a year old and then they do task oriented training specific to their department and objective.

  2. I see mostly German Shepherds on TV and around town.  I have a friend who used to be a cop, and he had a K-9.  That dog came from Czechoslovakia, and was also trained there, so he had to learn to command the dog in Czechoslovakian.  I have a shepherd pup, and my vet told me the cops in my town get their dogs from Germany, but those dogs are trained in English.  I hope this helps to answer your question.

  3. you get them when they are puppies and they are trained.

  4. no they are not all german shepards. they do get some from country germany and they get belinois (i can not spell this) they have tried different dogs and some dogs just dont' workgood. they tried dobermans and they have alot of skin problems and expensive to take care along with a few others and so that is only two most used breeds for that.

  5. why they use german shep. is because how great they are to train them . & there not the only breed that they use , they use rots, &there ones that i cant think right now . must of the time they have shep breeders  they do at times find a dog at the shelters that is a good dog for them to train.

  6. Belgian Malinois, German Shepperd's, and labs are all used in law enforcement. They start training during the first couple of months.  All three breeds are very smart dogs. I have a 9 week old Shepherd and he can already do commands by hand gestures.

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