
Question about La Raza?

by Guest62187  |  earlier

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On their front page they have link to grants that are for "emerging latino communities"

My question is, if this was on a white nationalist website and was for "emerging white communities" how would that be perceived?




  1. The Race?  Lord help me!  This outfit wants so bad to have open borders with Mexico and absolutely flood this country with illegals.  Now don't you know they get some sort of funding for this nonsense?  Kind of wonder where that might come from.  As for the "emerging" c**p, it would be treated as white supremecist material.  But us legal anglos should just keep quiet I guess.

  2. Well since most cities are predominately white and the ones that aren't have a shrinking white population, I could see that happening.

  3. It would be perceived as racist by the Left. But then the last few months has shown that the Left has no clue what racism really is.

  4. Latino is not a race chump.

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