I had the Lasik surgery done back in 2003 by Dr. Booth in Cincinnati Ohio. I had great vision for about a year and a half and then my eyes started changing. I now wear glasses and am .5 in one and and .75 in the other. This is still much better than it was before the surgery but not good enough to allow me to do day to day activities withough glasses or contacts.
My perscription has been the same for about three years now and I am wondering.
1. Is it easier to fix my vision now that my eyes are staying the same persription?
2. Is there added risk to having the procedure done a second time?
3. Have there been any significant advances made in Lasik since 2003, that would make it even better now?
I've already invested $3k in this, and I would want to know this one will last before paying another $3k.