
Question about Listerine mouth wash?

by Guest62687  |  earlier

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On the directions it says to rinse for 30 seconds, but is it okay to rinse for a minute instead? Because i want to benefit from it as much as possible without over doing it.




  1. If you have time do it,it will not heart you,try not to swallow.

  2. actually doesn't listerine contain alchohol? if so it can end up doing more damage than good by wearing away the enamel on your teeth which makes you prone to cavities & tooth decay. i would use a mouthwash that's non-alcohol.  

  3. I don't think it would actually hurt anything. They just mean like to do at least 30, to kill the germs, because most people just take some swish and spit, and don't even have it in there mouth for 10 seconds.  I really don't think it would hurt to do it longer, usually if theres a set amount of time to do stuff like that it will say on the bottle not to do it longer than --- or something.  But as long as you don't swallow it, or use like half a bottle a day, i wouldn't think it would hurt you at all.  

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