
Question about MLA format .. Quote used as the title of my paper?

by  |  earlier

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Here is something that I have been trying to find. I need to know how I would, or IF I would need to, cite the title of my page. I found a quote while doing my research that fits the paper that I wrote like a glove.

Do I need to cite this? How would I go about doing this?

This is a major portion of my grade, and I have put off titling the paper until the night before it's due. Yes, it's due tomorrow.

Please, if you do answer, I would greatly appreciate some sort of documentation or at least possess credentials that I could feel safe trusting.

I greatly appreciate your help. Thanks.




  1. Alrite... well using a quote to title a research paper is not the greatest idea in the world. I've never seen it done before so I don't think its allowed. My idea would be to rephrase the quote in your words and then you won't haveto quote anything. Hope it works out good! Good luck!

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