
Question about Magic The Gathering card stores?

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I have 4 chrome mox, would a card shop trade me 4 arcbound ravengers or a box of cards for these?




  1. Card shop, no

    Remember shops are out to make a profit and usually only give you half the value of the card so that they can resell/trade it at full value.  You may be able to trade/sell for what you wish on e-bay or go to the card shops for Friday Night Magic and the players usually trade evenly if they have their trade binders with them.  They can give you what you are looking for or buy them for your price so you can purchase your box. also lets you compare the value of the the trades you've done or want to do, so that you can see if it is a good card trade or not.

    Hope this helps.

  2. You would want to find another player if you want to trade for value. Card shops will buy cards in often at half value or less, so the shop can earn the difference. Find a player on or another similar site and trade there.

    Chrome mox is a chase rare, and many are interested in it. You will have no trouble finding someone who would trade for them.

  3. No a shop would trade you about 2 arcbound ravagers. If you sold the chrome moxes on ebay you would probably get enough money to get 4 arcbound ravagers off ebay, this seems like the only possible way.  

  4. shops tend to give significantly less than what a card is worth. So probably not.

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