
Question about MiTT training at Ft. Riley Kansas

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My hubby just got to Kansas for MiTT training and so far, he says its like a soup sandwich out one has any accurate or good info for us. Here is what we know so far.....

He came down on orders to be on a MiTT team, he did 2 weeks in Texas for classes and now he is supposed to be going through roughly 3 months of training in Kansas that is MiTT specific.

His orders are a bit different than some of the others, he is on bench orders and from what he has learned, a lot of folks coming down on MiTT orders were just choosing to not show up for training, so many that they have been putting like 14 folks on bench orders for every person that gets straight up regular orders. According to what we have been told, the bench orders make him like a back up person, and he will have to go through the training and then just wait around to get picked up for a team...which may or may not even happen!

His orders are for 179 days ( I think thats how long) Anyways, it says on his orders he isnt due to be in Kuwait until Feb of this coming year.

SO, my big questions for anyone who MAY know (please GOD, tell me one of you knows SOMETHING, the Army isnt helping us AT ALL)

What happens if he never gets picked up for a team, will he still get sent to Kuwait and just sit and wait there for a year hoping to get on a team? He said that he is sure this is a possibility but so far no one in Kansas can tell him anything, it seems they have some civilian chick in charge of a lot of stuff and she seems clueless!

Do yall think that if by Feb. he hasnt been picked for a team that they would send him on his merry way or will he be required to deploy one way or another?

Im sure ill think of more things to ask but Im really hoping someone here can help me! I was given the name and number to a spouse contact and have called her a couple times but have never been able to get in touch with her....this whole thing has me ALL kinds of stressed out!




  1. I am a instructor here for the MiTTs. There are alot of things your husband needs to take of care find out for himself vs. you stress yourself out a try to find out here. He can ask the Brigade MiTT S-1 liason or Command Sergeant Major about his 'Bench status. There might be all kinds of reason why he is staying for so long before shipping out. I've see it but only for people missing security clearances, have legal issues, physical problems, failed training or background checks, etc. So your husband needs to be proactive and find out what is the real reason is and have a definent answer and then try to leave earlier if possible. I work with or around all the people you mentioned above. I know them and see them daily. They have alot of folks to deal with (about 3 thousand for one FRSA lady) and can get swamped. So please relax and this should work out. I think you are overreacting.

    This is probably who you called and tried to talk to you.

    FRSA (Family Readiness Support Assisant)


    Everything about the MiTT mission:

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