
Question about Palin?

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I am a McCain supporter that knows nothing about Palin, but i think its cool that he picked a woman.My question is who is this Palin? Whats her voting record like? Has she voted against her party as much as McCain has?




  1. Your question should be who is Obama?

  2. She done more in Alaska in 2 years than the one before her did in 12 years. and she has went against her party

  3. She basically is reaganesque- she fights corruption, wasteful spending, she's an extremely strict social conservative. She's also a very religious person w/ 1 son in the army, and one that has down syndrome. She became governor by overthrowing the corrupt republican in the primaries in 2006.

    Truly, an amazing conservative! =) Even better than McCain! =)

  4. She cleared out corruption in her own party all hard core like.  

    America, meet your REAL reform ticket!  McCain / Palin 2008!

    She holds approval ratings up in the 80 and 90 percents.  

    She's a gun rights, pro-life conservative.  

    She promotes energy independence through expansion of domestic drilling.

  5. Yes she has voted against the republican party just as McCain has done for many years. She's not all about party, she's about what is good for people and what is good for America. She is a supporter of the N.R.A. and also of labor unions. She is very pro family but accepts the courts rulings and lives with them. She is very pro oil development as well as very pro alternative energy. She loves and respects the environment and also thinks we can do things in a responsible way to preserve the environment. She is just a very down to earth straightforward common sense person who is more interested in doing the good thing instead of the party thing.

  6. She will be the first vice president assasinated when she does her Palin gig and pisses off 90% of the washington insiders

    It's gonna be fun

    Let the party begin

  7. apparently she's retired beauty pageantry and she's the former mayor of a town of 9000 with zero foreign policy experience.

    She has a high pitched voice and can't understand the issues women in America have. She is on the wrong side and won't be winning the white house. :)

    REMEMBER PEOPLE, this is no American Idol contest.

    Sarah does not inspire me and did not lead tons to choose her as their party leader...  One man and people (invested in him)with bad judgement did!

  8. She was a beauty pageant queen 20 years ago.  No joke.

    In 1984, Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest, then finished second in the Miss Alaska pageant,[4] at which she won a college scholarship.[3] In the Wasilla pageant, she played the flute and won "Miss Congeniality."

  9. She has ovaries. That was her only qualification.  

  10. I didn't know who she was and I read and watched as much as I could about her. Her record shows that she's a maverick like McCain and has a 90% approval rating as Governor of Alaska. BTW- I love the avatar.

  11. Gov of Alaska, lifetime member of the NRA, mom to 5 (youngest is 5 months with down syndrome), prolife (chose to have child despite gentic testing that revealed disability), said in June that she probably won't take the VP nomination if it were offered to her, pro mining resources in Alaska.

    Since she is a governor, she doesn't vote in Congress.

  12. She doesn't have much of a voting record. She says she was for the 'bridge to nowhere' but later said she fought against it. She is a staunch Christian who believes in creationism in public schools and is anti-abortion in ALL instances, including rape, incest, and if the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.

  13. She has taken on corrupt Republicans in Alaska and kicked butt. Wikipedia has an article…not real long, but seemed like a good summary (assuming it's accurate).  

  14. No voting record, but her action record is impressive!  

    I've been reading and watching news about her for the past few hours and I like what I see.

    She is smart, quick on her feet, a leader of passion and action.  Perhaps she's a bit light on foreign policy (I don't really know what she knows about that, but there's nothing to find yet), but as smart as she is, she'll likely pick things up quickly.  

    From what I can see, she's got brains and a spine to hold it up with ethical convictions to hold herself on a true course.

  15. She's governor of Alaska, and I'm not sure what you expect her to vote on. Governors generally don't vote on things.

  16. McCain's pick caught us all by surprise. We're still learning about her. What we do know at this point is that she's charismatic and attractive. She came from complete obscurity -- something like a school board -- less than ten years ago to become governor two years ago. Those are the facts. Beyond that, most of what you hear is either pro Republican-speak or con Democrat-speak.  

  17. Governors do not vote in Congress. She beat out long-time Gov, then sold his (Governor's) private jet on Ebay for a profit, suspended gas taxes in Alaska, went after her sister's "wife beater cop hubby", has been cleaning house of corrupt politicians, refused Fed funding on highway to nowhere. Does not like pork-barrel spending which would save us ALL millions. (who needed the School bus museum?)Sounds like the kind of politician we all want but never have a chance to vote for. She just might be the change America wants/needs.....sorry Obama. Enjoy your next 40 years as a Senator.....unless this is the turn of the tide for all Congressmen. Voter imposed term limits.

  18. Here is an article which gives an overview of her personal and political background:

  19.   I don't know ? but I think she is hot !!!!

  20. she has a positive track record

    she can walk the walk

    she can talk with out a teleprompter

    she is not a puppet

    she will not be a puppet

    she tells it the way it is

    not what you want to hear

    etc...need I SAY MORE

  21. She was elected as Governor of Alaska at the same time that Obama's second-choice for VP (Tim Kaine) was elected governor of Virginia in 2005. That gives her 3 years of EXECUTIVE experience (which is three more than Obama and Biden have combined, which is zero).

    She is very pro-life, and opposes g*y marriage. She supported the Alaskan Amendment to ban g*y marriage (which passed). She is a lifetime member of the NRA. She generally holds very conservative positions, more so than the Mack.

    However, yes, she is a maverick. Not because she has gone against conservatism, but because she opposed Republican corruption in Alaska. Apparently the Republican party is pretty bad up there, and she refused to go along with it. The voters appreciated it, and elected her. As governor, she lowered her own wages to reduce government spending.

    The only blemish on her record is that she fired someone. Well, that someone was supposed to fire her ex-brother-in-law and didn't. So it appears, at first glance, to be corrupt. However, she has completely opened herself up to investigators and has shown good reason why she terminated him, without any foul play. She promised McCain she wouldn't be running with him if she thought she'd be bringing anything that would hurt him.

    The only position they really differ on is that she strongly supports drilling in Anwar, and McCain opposes it. Other than that they're pretty similar.

    The biggest criticism of her is that she has only 3 years of real experience (she was a mayor before that). However, she has been a Governor longer than Obama has been a senator. Obama has only spent about 160 days doing his senatorial job. So that's probably not a healthy area of discussion for the democrats.

    I think McCain's choice was a good one. Every criticism that the democrats can make of her will only go to show their own weaknesses, not hers.

    Oh, and if McCain had just wanted to pick a woman (any woman) he would have picked Kay Bailee Hutchison, who has more experience. He wanted Palin because of her reform record, her ability to point out corruption when she sees it, and her record of believing in small government. She was a great choice.

    Maverick '08
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