
Question about Passiflora plant.

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When i was on holliday i saw this cool looking flower on a little bush and when i was in a cheapy shop i saw one of those plant growing kits and it had the same flower on it (passiflora).

My question is how big do they get?

as my two are on the windowsill and are now comming accross the serling. Im going to move them out side at some point.

Also how long roughly untill the start to flower?

i have no idea which species it is as it didnt give the latten name just passiflora but the photo on the box is the same flower as this one.




  1. I know it as a passion flower.  Planted one last year (it needs something to climb on) and nothing much happened but this year it has gone mad and is covered in flowers so good luck!

  2. This is the flower of the edible passion fruit. The plant is a climber and very rampant. The flower has a story related to the bible but I can never remember it- somthing to do with the number seven. You will need trellis suport of some kind!

  3. Given the right conditions (open, sunny site with a climbing support) passion flowers can get very big. However, you can cut them back hard when they do, and off they'll go again. They won't stand a frosty winter though. Plant them outside now, in a sheltered spot, and keep them watered if it doesn't rain. They'll definitely flower next year, -maybe even this, if you're lucky. Good luck with them!

  4. Hi there,

    I am under the impression that this passiflora is of the clemitis family or the other way around, it is a climing plant, very beautiful, I had a red one and a blue one, they like a south facing wall and thier roots in the shade, when planting cover the roots with a piece of slate or something, They need a trellis, and you can cut back after flowering, so they will get as big as you like.   Good luck anyway.

  5. Blue Passion flower. All the passion flowers are large vining plants and all of them except the Maypop will be damaged by frost. They do get big but respond well to heavy pruning. They need bright light, something to climb on and regular watering/fertilizing. If you want edible passion fruit be sure to get something like Passiflora edulis.

    They are called Passion flowers because something about the flower reminded early missionaries to the New World of the crucifiction.

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