
Question about Prozac, 20mg a day...?

by  |  earlier

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Just wanted to know your experiences with Prozac. I'm currently taking 20mg a day, but have recently read some pretty scary stuff about it and it's making me slightly nervous.




  1. I was on Prozac for a while, but it didn't even do anything for my bipolar symptoms. I do know a woman, who once was one of the meanest, most cruel people I'd ever met... On Prozac, she's a sweet, slightly sarcastic old lady. It worked for her. If your doctor prescribes a medication, you should discuss with him/her why it is being prescribed and what the side effects are. If you're uncomfortable, call your doctor and ask the questions you have. Don't take anything you are uncomfortable with, and ask for alternatives with less side effects if possible. (Except in extreme circumstances.) Just my two cents.

  2. don't take it, there are other alternatives to medication. i'm 17 and i've been to group homes and mental facilities, all they do is drug us with horse pills and xanax. this caused my friends and i to stare into space and feel very lonely. some even encountered a speech disorder. i discontinued the drugs and i'm feeling much better than before, please do not support these psychiatric medications.

  3. Do not read anything about Prozac.  It is all c**p, unless you can interpert the data correctly.

    I am on 80 mgs a day for depression, anxiety and panic attacks.

    These are the following side effects I have suffered:

    1.  A feeling of cold for several hours a day.  It is an internal cold, and goes away after several hours, and several weeks.

    2.  Weird and bizare dreams which also go away after several weeks.

    3.  Sexual dysfunction.  I am unable to ***, which is frustrating but no big deal.  You learn to live with it.

    4.  Increased anxiety while it is getting into your system, but that too goes away after a short period of time.

    5,  Insomnia, but you take it in the morning, and you dont have any problems.

    If you have any questions, please do not hesiate to e-mail me.  

    I am on the max dose, and absolutey love Prozac.

  4. If you don't want to take it then don't.  You definately need to be aware of adverse affects and what the signs are that you are having them.  You should also make sure that close friends and family know that you are taking it and some of the precautions so that they can help to observe any strange behaviors or such.

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