
Question about Pylon races in Reno?

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Anybody know where I can get a list or find out which Unlimited 'Birds are set to race in Reno this year? The usual suspects IE Rare Bear, Precious Metal, Big Bossman etc. will be there, but are there any new surprises this year?

And while we're on the subject, if you could fly in Reno, which class would you take, what aircraft, and why?

Personally, id like to fly Unlimited in a race-ready F4U-4 Corsair, with the rude name of "Little B@sterd"




  1. Even the owners don't know if they will be at Reno yet.

    That's more than five months away.

    Stay tuned... PRS is the 2nd week in June and should clear up several things.

    It should be a good year.

  2. You can find a lot of information about Reno's 45th Annual National Championship Air Races at this web site...

  3. You never really know who will be in the lineup until the races start.  Sure they book ahead of time, but I have seen it so many times when a racer scratches even though they are at the race; usually due to mechanical reasons.  So don't get your hopes up too much about any one particular plane.  Just go and enjoy the show!

    It would be cool to fly ANY plane in the Unlimiteds.  But I think I would like to fly some clipped wing P-51.  They look and sound so bichon going around the course.

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