I'm a foster parent and doing respite care tomorrow for the first time. (We've been foster parents, but just haven't done any respite so far).
We were told that respite was to relieve foster parents or care for their foster children during emergencies, vacations, etc.
Well, this little boy we are going to have lives with his real mom??
I found that out only because the social worker handed her the phone when I asked about food allergies, bed time routines, etc. She mentioned breast feeding him to sleep when he was younger.......So I asked the social worker what is going on? I told her what I was told and asked if Respite is also for people who are a little bit in the system still or something and she said "yes".
Why is this social worker at this ladies house at 8:00 p.m.? Seems so strange....Is this normal? I have no problem with it, I just had no clue.
She would have showed up to drop him off tomorrow and I would have been asking questions about how long she's been a foster parent and stuff. That would have been awkward!! What if someone didn't feel comfortable with this? Are you supposed to ask when they call to place the child? I'm not because I don't care.
What have your experiences been with Respite?