
Question about Russia, Georgia and Poland?

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With the conflict between Russia and both Georgia and now Poland how safe are American expats living in other eastern European countries. Were in Romania.




  1. You pull the lion's tail, the lion bites you in the butt.  Go home.

  2. Don't worry until the nukes go off, then Russia will have a radiation cloud over it that will eventually cover the world.

    Teranam9: are you a commie?  Definitely pro Russian.

  3. It appears that you will be fine. Russia flexed her muscles and the world didn't acquiesce to naked aggression. Initially, things were a bit dicey. Poland got on board in a hurry with Anti-Ballistic Misslie defense. This is a huge victory for the West. The last thing the Russians wanted was an ABM battery on her borders. This gambit created the exact opposite of what they were hoping for. Stay put, but be aware of any future changes.

  4. You are OK.  The US had to back down because the European allies would not back them up since the nation initiating the aggression was

    Georgia and legally the Russians were within their rights.   Worry if you

    plan to visit Iran before the November US elections.  Everyone knows that Sarcozy is like Blair being cozy with whatever the US wants on the international scene so expect the French to try to be the front men for the

    next US move in the Great Game for Oil especially as it may concern


  5. Kiss your hiney's goodbye I'd say.

  6. During shooting and street explosions, stay indoors.

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