
Question about SMU???

by  |  earlier

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ok, I really want to go to SMU in Dallas, Tx. And I was wondering if this was enough to get in.

1. 4.0 gpa

2. take two pre-ap classes that turn into Ap obviously your junior and senior year.

3. four extracurricular activities(Student council, united way, debate team, and spanish club)

4. And a 23 on my ACT.

Is this impressive or do I need more? What else can I do?

And is this enough?




  1. Have you taken at least two years of the same foreign language? Do you hold a leadership role in any of your extracurriculars?

  2. It should be, What's your SAT score? You gotta remember, just because you don't meet the minimum requirement, doesn't mean you can't get in. Colleges also look at other things besides gpa and test scores.
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