
Question about STD Blood Testing, Specifically Herpes?

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A few quick questions...

About five weeks ago I made the dumb mistake of having unprotected s*x with a girl I didn't really know. Following that, there were a few things that could have been characteristic of something like herpes, but it might just be me being paranoid. I was curious if people could fill me in on what the options are in terms of blood tests that cover the major stds, including herpes, and how much that would cost. I'm also curious as to whether it would be possible to specifically get an accurate herpes blood test from any variation of herpes blood test(as that is what I'm most worried about and time is very much an issue) at only five to six weeks out from the possible infection date, and what the specific cost on that might be. I know I've heard that herpes might need more time (3-4 months?) to be detected in some tests, but is there anything that shows it sooner? I really need to know soon...

I appreciate any help you might be able to give. Thanks.




  1. yes it may take 3-4 months to detect to be patient but you can get tested usually for free, go to your local health clinic and you can get a test absolutely free and remain anonymous if you like

  2. you sound as though you suspect herpes because something appeared ?  well if it was blisters then you have HSV2... if you want the blood test to know for sure... just ask your doctor... it isn't all that expensive... maybe $180 depending on the lab... If you have health insurance thru work it should pay for the lab fee.

    make sure to ask for the test that will differentiate as to whether you have HSV-1 (cold sores) or HSV-2 (genital herpes)  and not the run-of-the-mill test which picks up Chicken Pox, and Shingles (forms of the herpes virus)

    There's also blood tests for syphillus, HIV, and Hepatitis B, C, D, E. You can also pee in a cup to get checked for Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Trichonomiasis.

    Good Luck,

    Nurse Angie, RN

  3. there is a blood test that u can take and the time it takes on the results will depend on if the send your blood work out to a lab to have it processed. usually a blood and urine sample is needed for an std test.

    the blood test is not all that accurate for testing herpes. if u have not built up enough anti-bodies then u may get some false positives and negatives. 6 weeks might be too soon to tell if u have herpes or not. how ever if u have an out break then u could get it swab cultured, that is how i was diagnosed. have a list of the symptoms for herpes handy and if u think u have any of them then get tested. also call around a few clinics to see if they will test u through blood for herpes.

    for symptoms u can go to or

  4. There is a blood test for Herpes but is so expensive that most clinics/doctors will not do it.

    Your best bet is to see Planned Parenthood for testing and any questions you may have. They are confidential and low cost or free depending on your income/circumstances.

    In the meantime until you know, refrain from s*x. Penetration isn't needed to contract it... only contact.

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