
Question about Salah

by  |  earlier

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when someone forgot to recit al-fatiha,he must pray and extra rak'a,what if he forgot to recite the small surah?




  1. LOL.

    How can you forget to recite al-fatiha??

  2. without surah fatiha the salah cant be accepted according true Bukhari and true muslim and true sunan Abu dawood if u forgot  read surah from Quran in salah u take sajd sahu(means two sajda after read salam darud and all dua)in last rakah tashahud before say as-salamualaikum wa rahmatullah

  3. Just pray nafl, u aren't supposed to add another number of rak'as.

    But how the h**l do u forget to recite Fatiha in a prayer?

    *scratches head*

  4. i dont know

    i've never forgotten lol

    good question though i think you would have to do it again

  5. from what I know it is not one of the fardh aspects of prayer.  Sujood as-sahw should suffice inshallah.  

  6. the people who don't speak arabic can read from mushaf(quran) book in al-salat

  7. he has to do the same, make up the rak'a.

    btw sis, it is a short surah not small.

    oh, yes i know, thats ok  lol

  8. i don't know

  9. 17:110

    Say, "Call Him GOD, or call Him Most Gracious; whichever name you use, to Him belongs the best names." You shall not utter your Contact Prayers (Salat) too loudly, nor secretly; use a moderate tone.


    And proclaim: "Praise be to GOD, who has never begotten a son, nor does He have a partner in His kingship, nor does He need any ally out of weakness," and magnify Him constantly.

    you dont have to pray extra rakah

  10. Ditto on Raw.

    Also ditto on scratching my head.

    love for all, hatred for none

  11. In all mazhabs with out the Fatiha ur salah is Batil unless u forget it Sahwa Then u must make up with an extra rikah except with the Ahnaf they believe that Fatiha is not Fard but wajib.

    As 4 small surah 'Salah laysa bi batil lakinaho Naqis wa ya qoom be sojood as saho'.

    Allah knows the best.

  12. Its ok if u forget short sora your salat is correct. But u must read fatiha.
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