
Question about Sept.11th???? (kind of disturbing)?

by Guest61652  |  earlier

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Today, in school, my friend and I were looking through a History Channel book about 9/11. One of the pictures in it was really disturbing- it was a picture of one of the twin towers. You could see the bodies falling out of the building in mid-air. That got me to thinking. Did the people who jumped out of the building fall to their death, or were there rescue crews who had mats/trampolines waiting on the sidewalk below?




  1. Death:Hobson's choice

    On some of the videos you could hear the bodies hitting the ground

    Too high up to be caught

  2. From that height the falling people would have died of fright on the way down.

  3. They fell to their death. Many of them panicked which is a natural reaction and rather than slowly burn to death they chose the relatively quick death of jumping. After getting to a certain height, mats and trampolines are useless as the person will build up too much speed and go through them.

    As disturbing as it is they chose to jump or did so through instinct

  4. They jmany umped from their office buildings, and as you saw, there was a lot of chaos.  

    They jumped from a 110 story building.  Due to a lot of confusion, it was difficult to get "rescue crews, as there was not sufficient time.  Everything happened very quickly.  People that jumped hit the sidewalk and obviously died.

  5. I'm sorry but they fell to their deaths and it was all covered Live the day of the event much to all our horrors.

    They were desperate and i would hate to even imagine or fathom the things they saw and heard, you know what, i'd be freaking jumping too, it would be quicker than going through the h**l they did inside the building.

    It's disturbing, but it's what happened and many of us witnessed it that day. The most torturous thing to me that day was a guy in the building filming at the time, before the planes hit, he was making a documentary that morning and he kept filming thorughout the entire attack and one can hear everything the music in the lobby playing and then the people falling. That's disturbing.

  6. You sound young Ash and caring too.Maybe this is an issue you should ask adults close to you about as it might be kind of difficult.

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