
Question about Softball Umpiring ?

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Hi I would be attending the softball umpiring course soon. After passing the test, I would be a qualified umpire.

However, is there a umpire license or certificate that certifies an umpire?

Is it a license or certificate?





  1. Passing a test won't make you a qualified Umpire! That only comes with hard work and dedication.

    For NFHS ball, most states have registered Umpires. This basically means you have paid a fee to be able to work ball games. In my state, you can become "approved" by passing a rules test, and attending a mechanics clinic. Once you have successfully done that for 5 years, and worked a minimum number of games each year, you become "certified". All that means is you wear a patch on your sleeve that we call a "bull's eye". It kinda makes you a target for some coaches.

    The NCAA association I work with is very similar, but clinic work is required, and testing is ongoing.

    ASA has a good training program, but it is not required that you complete any. NSA, USSSA, and others have little to no training, but all require registration.

    There are no umpire licenses, or certificates that I am aware of.

  2. 1) I hope you are in an association (depending on what city you live in there may be several, or you may have to go to the next larger city), this is good for contact, assignments, MENTORING and if you ask them, your question would have already been answered.

    2) The 2 states I officiate in requires annual license renewal (the state of address and the "reciprocal" state. You will be issued a card and number, There is a fee..find out the your states athletic association's website, and follow the instructions

    3) The test is Federation, each state has a few different rules so you'll need rule interpretation at before season begins (some states offer them online)

    4) Subscribe to REFEREE magazine and apply for NASO (insurance for officials)

  3. Depending on the terminology of your local association it will either be a permit or license.

    remember the techniques from this school through the fall so you will be ready for the spring season.   Good Luck.

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