
Question about Sonny Bill?

by  |  earlier

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If Sonny Bill Williams decides to jump on a plane and come back to Australia in coming weeks, Would he be able to walk back into his bulldogs contract and continue playing? Or is he finished with the Bulldogs forever?




  1. i think because he broke his new contract he is not allowed to play a-grade rugby league again

  2. Yes, that is why the NRL and the Bulldogs are going to the supreme court to enforce his contract so he has no choice buit to play at the Bulldogs.  

    Most of the meddia opinion seems to indicate that this court action will unsucessful though.  PLus there seems to be so many players leaving the Bulldogs of late that you would doubt he would want to come back and play anyway.  Sonny Bill has left, plus they booted the coach, add to that Willie and Mark O'meley and Nate Miles all gone in the last few years....  If i was a Bulldogs supporter i would be very upset with the current and past boards and the direction they are taking the club.

    Such a once mighty club seems to be falling apart everywhere.

  3. I guess if the Bulldogs are successful with their court proceedings, they'd probably make him play in the lower grades.  I don't think the players in the A grade would want to play with him again, but who am I to speculate, we haven't heard his side of the story, maybe the players in the A grade have reserved their judgement until they hear from him themselves.  But I find it highly unlikely, he would return, even if they do win.  So that would only leave David Gallops threats of either Lifetime ban, Seizing assets, or arrest.  They pretty much all suck.

  4. :O I didn't even know about this! And he is a babe, sorry wouldn't have a clue.

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