
Question about Subliminal Messages.?

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I am really trying to quit drinking so much soda. I was reading on the net that sometimes subliminal messages can help. So my questions are:

(1) In your opinion do subliminal messages really work?


(2) Are there any programs that can be downloaded for free that can be used to make them?

I would rather make my own because I don't want to buy from the wrong place and wind up being turned into a sexual deviant.




  1. Subliminal Messages, per say, don't work.  There is a related psychological phenomenon called priming which can influence behavior in a subliminal way, but the effect is limited and it does  not usually work if you know you are being primed (i.e. you can't prime yourself).

    Any effect you get from subliminal tapes is going to be purely placebo.

  2. 1) Yes, sumbliminal messages have worked in many cases. Research has shown that SM has successfully allowed many to control their diets or even change their lifestyles. It allows people to control their subconcious minds by bypassing their conscious minds, and sending positive messages to their subconscious minds.

    2) There are subliminal CDs and E-Books available dealing with issues ranging from body and fitness to family and relationships. One place where you may find them is :

    You could check out what available programmes they have that would allow you to control your consumption habits.

  3. No, they really don't.

    Stop buying soda. After you've gotten used to drinking other things, you can have soda now and then, but in more reasonable amounts.

    OR do things to disrupt your soda-drinking. Pour smaller glasses, or put your soda out of reach, so it's sort of a bother to pick it up -- things like that.

    Not buying is your best bet. Buy juices instead.

    Wow! You coulda had a V8!

  4. this is interesting. well, there are such things as downloads available for you to download subliminal mesages. these are in the form of mp3 that is compatible with every computer (except mac,sadly!) you can actually purchase 1 (real CD!) and get it shipped and if you think that it's not working well, or u are turning in to sexual deviant instead, then you can return the CD and ask for a refund. it comes with a 1 year moneyback gurentee ! real cool. i bought one for myself recently. the link is attached below

  5. There is no evidence proving their effectiveness. On the contrary people who have tried SM confirm they don't work. Even the coke story (SM in cinema) is a myth.

    You can use auto-suggestions or hypnosis, but they are no magic bullet. The best bit is to cut down bit by bit, replacing water with soda.

    Use EFT, which does seem effective against addictions and phobias. Just read the free manual, and you'll have all the information you need.

  6. 1)Yes

    2)Google:  subliminal messages downloads

    Good luck


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