
Question about Super cr3w of Americas Best Dance Crew?

by Guest64497  |  earlier

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just out of curiosity what nationalities are they. i know they are born here but what heritage? philipino, mexican or what?




  1. well it seems that 3 of them are filipino(# Ronnie "Ronnieboy" Abaldonado, Angelito "Vex" Casal,Rufino Josef (RJ) "Rockadile" Puno)-the ones that look asian(i'm filipino too, so that is so cool)

    and 2 of them i think are mexican (Mike "Murda" Carrasco and Jon "Do-Knock" Cruz)

    but what i'm really confused is about is my favorite one,  Abenamar "Ben" Honrubia, i don't know if he is white, asian, or hispanic, or just a mix, i have know idea what origin his last name comes from or his first, and he doesn't really look like anything, just like a mix of all 3

  2. Murda said that they were 1/2 Philipine, 1/2 Mexican. I researched the name Honrubia and it comes up as Spanish. The name Abenamar actually sounds middle eastern to me, but so far I have not been able to confirm that. And his parents might have just been very creative with that first name. I am pretty sure he has a brother or family member named Leonardo.  

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