
Question about TTC!!?

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So I did 5 rounds of Clomid 50mg to 150 mg with no follicle development. I have PCOS by the way. Three of those rounds were with my OBGYN and the other two are with my RE who I am with now. Well I have had laproscope, HSG, and Hysteroscopy and all is great I just have textbook PCOS. Anyway our next step is injectables. Well This time I started my period on my own before I could take the provera which absolutely never happens to me. So I went on cycle day two for my baseline ultrasound and bloodwork thinking that I would start my injections that night. Well I got a call telling me that my uterine lining was a little too thick and my Estradiol level was slightly elevated so he put me on the nuva ring for a month. He said this will help get rid of the build up from the cysts. Has anyone else experienced this and if so did it help with your success?

Also has anyone had zero development on Clomid and then had injections work?

I am going to be taking Follistim. Any thoughts? I am so confused!




  1. I have PCOS and got pregnant on second round of injectables after 6 failed cycles of Clomid. It is stressful but possible. Best of luck to you.

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