
Question about Twilight...?

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I'm 23, and one of my best friends just told me that I should read the Twilight series. I'm not into fantasy type stuff, nor am I into vampire books (although I do, at times, have a hankering to watch an Underworld or 30 Days of Night film - what can I say, they're guilty pleasures). I read a lot of classics, and a lot of philosophical type books (Kierkegaard, Sartre, etc). But still, my friend insisted that I would enjoy this series. I do occasionally enjoy reading chick lit (for when my brain is about to explode), but I don't know about Twilight. I've read reviews saying that they're for 12-18 year olds. Is there anyone out there who is my age, and actually enjoyed them? I have contemplated reading them just to see what all the rave is about.

Thanks in advance. :)




  1. My husband is 30 and not a vampire fan but loves them.

    My bff is 28 and read them all in a week and loved them.

    And I am still on the first one lol =)

  2. well my friends started reading it and i told them i don't like vampires and i think books about them are stupid. They told me just to read it and gave me the book. I read the first page on the bus and shut it because it was boring. 2 weeks later my friend asked if i liked it and i said "i never read it" she told me to read it so she could give it to another friend. i started reading it that night and didn't put it down until 3 A.M. i was a wreck at school, but it was a great book, and if you think about it, you hardly ever think of Edward as a vampire.

    i would recommend it

    EDIT: Oh and my friends aunt who is like 37 read them and liked them too

  3. I'm 28 and absolutely loved them.  I abhor chick lit, but am not sure that Twilight falls into that category.  They're definitely a "guilty pleasure" as they were written for a pre-teen age group.  However, there is something almost every person can relate to within the story.  You find yourself very attached to the characters and the writing is not necessarily geared towards younger generations.  It is a good series for any age group.  She's an excellent writer and the story is extremely engrossing.  If your friend believes that you will enjoy them (and this person knows you pretty well) I would trust that your friend would not steer you wrong.

  4. first i'm only 12 almost 13 and i've heard that parents having been reading the twilight saga well mostly moms are reading the twilight saga. but i think you might like it. i love the twilight saga.

  5. At first I didn't wan to try reading the series because it's about vampires, which I thought seemed really stupid. But the series is more romantic than anything else. I think that anybody at any age would enjoy the series. It's wonderful!

  6. I know people who's mums have read it and a lot of people in their 20s

    They aren't really gothic and seriously vampire like - its not all biting and blood and guts. Its got a bit of fantasy in it

    They are amazing books but are very romantic and you say you don't like chick lit books. some people say they are quite shallow but i'm not sure on that. well worth the read though!!!!!

  7. im twenty two and i love the book at the breaking dawn release party there was this 65 year old lady who wanted the book i have all my friends reading it and they are almost killing me for the rest you'll luv the seiries HOPE THAT HELPS!!!

  8. I'm 26 and I absolutely adore them!!! you might as well read them and see what you think for yourself.  If you don't like Twilight, then don't read the next ones.  But at least read all of Twilight because it starts off a little slow.  

  9. I'm fourteen and I hated Twilight, my mother is forty-nine and she loves those series.

    I guess it really depends on what you enjoy.

    ❀ M ❀

  10. it's not your average vampire book. Trust me. Now I'm 16 and I love the series. My father of 55 and my mother of 42 love them as well. Who ever said that they are books for 12-18 is wrong. Adults enjoy it too.

    My father said, and I must agree with him, that a lot of the duologue's between Edward and Bella reminded him of those in Jane Eyre and books like that.

    The book concentrates more on love--a kind of forbidden love--then it does on fantasy and supernatural. Though it has enough of that.

    I also like to read classical books, b ut none the less I really like this.

    If I were you I'd give it a shot, give the book a chance to charm you too. :-)

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