
Question about UK driving tests (please see below)?

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My wife failed her test for the 2nd time today. She asked me how many times she should fail before giving up and accepting she will never pass? What do you all think? Please do not answer with "never" as I tried that and got my head bitten off.




  1. lol wel i passed mine for 6th go,so id say about ten tests,then id try an automatic to see if im any better in that,just tell her just cos she didnt pass doesnt make her agood driver

  2. The test is a very unfair way of testing a person.  A full licence holder may make a mistake whilst driving, and think to themselves "that was stupid, I won't do it again".  But if a test candidate is seen doing it, then the examiner will fail them.  Although it is an unfair system, I don't see any other way of doing it.

  3. i passed on my 3rd go, sometimes you just get lucky

  4. Lol @ babycakes, whatever makes you feel better! I passed 1st time.

    Well just tell her to have faith and she should work on what the driving instructor said was her weak points.

    She shouldnt give up my friends mother passed after taking the test 13 times, yes 13!

    If she has the 'give up' attitude then she will never succeed, keep being positive for her sake and encourage her to keep practicing.

    Good luck

  5. My sister passed on her 4th attempt.  She thought she had failed so just got on with it and passed.  I got a 'D' for Dangerous on my first test and still passed 2nd time.  I used to hate driving and the test was awful but it is SO worth it and now I love it.

  6. Most people take a few tries to pass anyway, i didnt pass till the 3rd attempt and even then i was lucky that i had a lenient examiner or else i'd probably still be trying today. I also know someone who took 9 tries to pass hers so you're right in saying she should never give up. Its great being able to drive and she'll regret it if she gives up.

  7. The best drivers never pass till at least there third test  because that is what makes us the best

  8. Never give up - she will be fine passing you test does not make a good driver. My father always said that you cant call yourself a driver until you have been out by yourself for 2 years.

  9. if she gives up then she'll never pass her test. she should deffinately not give up after the 2nd time. it takes some people a few goes to pass. all you've got to remember is that the tests cost money and the more times you try the more expensive it gets. she should consider having more lessons so she feels confident before taking the test again.

  10. tell her never to give doesn't matter how long it takes.good luck to her!

  11. Tell her to keep going she will do it

  12. Without getting into detail try asking her what she has a problem with, operating the car or driving amongst other traffic.

    Could be that she is concentrating so much on the car itself that she is failing to see what's going on around her. If so she needs practice on very quiet roads (eg. trading estates on a Sunday) until she becomes proficient at handling the car and can divert more time to her surroundings.

    This worked for my son who passed first time but I took him out just driving (didn't contradict his instructor) until he could confidently handle the car and locate the gear lever etc., without looking for it every time.

  13. It took me 3 attempts. Keep going

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