My previous employer let me go, actually these were there exact words: "You're services are no longer needed". That's it, i worked for about 2 months. I will be getting a phone interview this week because the UI office is not sure whether or not I really worked and why I am no longer working. I don't even know myself. I should have asked but I didn't. It was too emotional. My supervisor who had to be the bearer of bad news cried while she had me sign a form to get my last checks.
Think I will get approved? I did make the minimal amount of money. But the employer did not report my earnings, I worked April and May of this year. July of 2007 I quit my job after 3yrs of work to go back to school but that didn't work out so I returned to the work force. But that didn't work either and it's been difficult finding a job these days.
Now I would like to return to school, but I think I might have to wait until I know I'm approved for UI, because I don't think I'm allowed to attend school and receive UI money, correct? So, i heard you can receive some type of 'training' while receiving UI. Are they going to offer it to me? or do I have to apply for it on my own? and should I apply for it soon as I start receiving my checks? or apply for it when I ask for an extension? No idea how this works. And does going to college count as training? or do I have to attend a specific training class for people who is receiving UI money?
I'm sorry if i made it sound complicated, any answers would help, thanks