
Question about United Nations?

by  |  earlier

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Hi. Can the United Nations have a role in a country's disputed elections? if so, what would it be?




  1. Yes, of course they can . In today's International environment it is all about recognition!  The U.N. can help supervise elections (or monitor them), the can send advisers to help in the organization process , they can threat hen with sanctions and they can influence world op ion ( those that usually have questionable elections are often those dependent on International Aide.

  2. YES    Monitoring elections occurs in many countries   and I think the US should ask them to monitor elections here

  3. The UN has only authority to monitor the fairness of the elections, but can not interfere with the process. As of Rhodesia, the UN sided with the black dictator Mugabe and the UN would not lift a finger to re instate the previous lawful government for that country. Ironically, the pressure from the UN caused the collapse of the previous lawful Rhodesian government and turned Rhodesia from Africa's bread basket to a starving beggar. Great achievement for Black Africa and the UN (Useless Nothing).

  4. No

  5. Sure they can.  They can be observers of the election and they can provide technical assistance to assist in better counting methods to name a few ways.

  6. No! and who would want them too? The UN is made up of child molesters just like that cult in Texas. They both need to be put out of business.

  7. yes they can. look at Zimbabwe. they had a very corrupt system of voting but there is not a whole lot the UN can do. they can bring it to peoples attention but they don't have much authority to do anything.

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