
Question about Vedic Astrology. I was born June 30th, someone told me that in Vedic I was considered a Gemini

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is that true? Also I was wondering what kind of compatibility according to Vedic astrology I have with someone born 7/11/1961. My b-day is 6/30/1979. Let me know if you need times. We were both born in Cleveland, Ohio. Thanks




  1. Hi Miss

    I can answer in Western Astrolgy but I have asked Vic who specializes in Vedic, to answer you more appropriately.

  2. Serious astrology requires a birth time. By "Gemini" I am sure you refer to the sign that the sun rose in on the day you were born. The sun was just about 15º into Gemini. Nonetheless the sun sign is only the third most important sign in Vedic astrology, behind the Moon sign and the rising sign.

    Your moon sign is leo. You have Jupiter and Mercury in Cancer. You have saturn in Leo along with the Moon and the Northern Node Rahu. These two in conjunction with your moon would produce "moodiness" or "mood swings" that westerners often attribute to the sign of cancer.

    Your Venus is strong in her own Taurus. This will also generate effects akin to the western interpretation of Cancer.

    For compatibility and such details you certainly need at least a birth time, and should get a full blown professional reading ;-)

    His moon and sun are both Gemini. His moon and mercury are conjunct. You may find after some time that he is mentally unstable and may be a habitual liar. Moon / Mercury conjunctions can produce intellect but more often produce negative side effects, especially in the further influence of a malefic like the sun.

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