
Question about Weed?

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What are some really awesome fun things to do while high/ wasted? Streaking is a given.




  1. Um....asking stupid questions on Yahoo Answers, I guess.

  2. i don't smoke anymore, but when i did i just liked to sit down and watch tv.  the great thing about weed is that you won't do anything stupid because chances are you won't do anything.  the problem with trying to stuff when you're blazed is that trying to concentrate ruins it.  if you are planning on doing something while high is just go to the mall and walk around or go to the zoo.  people watching is a blast because you come up with some weird thoughts.  the whole purpose of it is just to relax.  you don't want to be up and about because it goes against your high instinct.  me and my buddy would through on some music and sit on his back porch.  it was right next to the woods and it gave us something to look at.  we would also go into the creek behind my house and just sit.  my advice is to find a spot outdoors that has some decent scenery and just relax.  trust me when i say going out and doing stuff or having to deal with sober people is not what you want to be doing when you're high.  the pool was a good idea though.

  3. listen to music. anything sounds amazing when you're high.

  4. yes streak! then smoke then munch out then streak then skinny dip since ur already naked then smoke also drink during this whole thing then eat again and then - - - then sleep :)

  5. if you are that wasted the only thing you can do is give the unwasted people something to talk about besides you will be to wasted to know or remember anything (suggestions made here) anyway....

    This question is the perfect example of why not to get high/wasted.....You are not a responsible person-----DON'T GET BEHIND THE WHEEL OF A CAR!!!!!!

  6. Go on a walk.

    Go to the market and get a free cookie.


  7. go on you tube and type in things to watch when high or something u will laugh ur fckin *** off dont go out and do something ull get caught <--trust me

  8. i totally agree with M C!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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