
Question about a 4-3 defense?

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When playing in a 4-3 sdefense, which defensive tackle is the 1 technique and which is the 3,,, because i play on my high school football team and we play a 4-3 and im the defensive tackle that lines up on the weak side of the offensive line,, ( closer to the left guard and tackle)..... so which one is the 1 and which one is the 3, and which one of them is called the nose




  1. A 1 Technique is lining up by shading the center and a 3 technique is lining up chading the quard

  2. I think you are a little confused. A 4-3 defense doesn't have a nose, there are two defensive tackles and two defensive ends. You are thinking of a 3-4 when there is an extra linebacker and one less defensive lineman.

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