
Question about a Horoscope.

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Is a Taurus and a Leo Compatible? can they get along-get together/ married?




  1. Horoscopically, Taurus is an Earth sign while Leo is a Fire sign.

    There is bound to be some strong conflict. Leo likes drama and being in the spotlight. Taurus likes comfort and stability and hates disruption.

    Without knowing more, it's hard to say for sure; rising signs, family history, and genetics can all play a role. We are people, though, and we can work through problems if there is commitment.

    They can get along, but there will be some problems.

  2. what is a taurus ? i heard it was a bull . i also heard that a leo was a king of his castle of course .that means a leo take of things and a taurus is full of bull. all sign are for a reason so do check it out completely any body can get along being compatible is the thing. can a bull ride a lion or can a lion ride a bull ?you do the math i bet you'll the bull

  3. Here is what I found on the AOL horoscope page....

    "Taurus and Leo both have a childish streak, which could make it nearly impossible for you to resolve issues. Taurus and Leo will have to work together to rise above petty fears and emotions - something that won't be easy for either one. The Leo can be self-centered, always needing Taurus' love and adoration, which can be frustrating for Taurus. Taurus needs love too, after all, and they deserve it. If Taurus and your Leo can learn to take turns, Taurus and Leo can focus on the positive things you have in common - passion and a romantic streak. Much more fun than arguing, isn't it?"

    Hope this helps a little!

  4. yeh taurus and leo are compatable!

    haha i know because im a leo and i once liked a guy who was a taurus so i looked it up.....yeh ok it was sad....but i realy liked him lol :)

  5. OMG.. ok.. so im a taurus and the guy i was recently seeing was a leo. he was treating me with respect when ever we were together.. but then i caught him making out with some other chick.. it wouldve been great except that he was a player. so its ur call

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