
Question about a broken toe.?

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I'm pretty sure I broke my big toe today. Laminate floor+ wet weather+shoes that slip when wet+curio cabinet I slid into = broken toe:P

Anyway, I taped it to the toe next to it and took a couple motrin. Does anyone know of anything else I can do?




  1. yea! make sure  you don't put any stress on it till it heals. do get a crutch. and keep your weigh off it for a couple of weeks, has it gone black yet? does it hurt if you rest a pen on it ? have you put it on ice for the swelling? have you checked out on line re first aid. A doctor or a competent nurse would help. not to mention x-rays. but if you are in the states you are screwed there. so is there a clinic near by to get a second opinion? Common sense will pay off big time here,

    let me know how it goes.

  2. If it is swollen and possibly black somewhat and bruised...and it is painful to walk on, then chances are it is either fractured or broken. There isn't much a doctor can do for it. I did that last spring....walked into my vacuum cleaner during the night....ouch....well, it has healed, so don't worry in about one to two months you will feel fine.

    One more note...I've broken two fingers in my life and had each operated on....they still look the same as they did before...fingers and toes are best left to be healed on their own.....

    Hope this helped

  3. That's about it. Avoid walking on it as much as possible for a few days. Continue the Motrin for pain and inflammation.

  4. I've broken my big toe and my "pinkie" toe both times i went to the doctor and they said do what you did.Plus rest/ice/elevation.

  5. elevate it

    ice it

    that's it1 keep taking motrin not tylonel b/c motrin will lower the swelling

  6. Cold packs for the swelling and elevate it.

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