
Question about a character in my book.?

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Okay, well i'm writing this book and its kind of complicated to explain but its about this girl who finds out shes the daughter of a greek god/goddess (haven't really got that far) but anyway she goes to this school that like once you enter you cant get out of it (haven't really thought of why. Sorry it's so vague) But anyway her name is Persephone and she goes by Seph for short. Is that too The Wizard Heir?

Is the whole thing too The Lightning Thief?

Thanks and once again sorry its so vague.




  1. i get what you are saying as I have read the Lightning Thief and love to write myself

    it may resemble those stories, but if it came from your mind, it is yours

    don;t worry about copying if you did not take the idea from another story

    add me as a contact and I would love to read some

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