
Question about a dream. Muslim People, Please answer.

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I have had the 3rd dream in the past 2 months about death. First two times I dreamt about not being able to breath while I am sleeping and when I wake up I am short of breath.

Last night I dreamt about an angel of death coming to me while I am asleep and giving me the choice to wake up or die and when I wake up i can't breath.

Please help with some answers.




  1. I dont know what it means, but I just dont like what you're dreaming....

  2. Make Salat and read the Qu'ran.

    Also, before you go to sleep you should make a dua, say "Aoozu billahi minash shaitan ar-raheem", which is asking Allah (swt) for refuge from the shaitan & any jinn that maybe trying to get to you while you are asleep.  

    I usuallly find when I don't make dua or recite something before I go to sleep that I have a lot of dreams.  

    InshaAllah this works for you.  Salam  

  3. Your dream could reflect 2 things; 1- That you are on the very right path; because the angel of death only gives this choice to prophets; 2- That you will live long, as narrated seeing the angel of death provides for a long life.

    Only Allah knows.

  4. Asalamu Alaikum Persian Queen!!

    Well, I have a book by world renowned Islamic dream interperator, who has a gift from Allah. I'll email you the answer when I have a look inside the book

  5. IDK

    But what any normal person can understand from this is.

    You are given the choice, Islam or not... and are warned about picking the "so-called" Islam i.e entering a deviant sect... or maybe not practicing Islam....

    As u chose to live but couldnt breathe....

    This is not an interpretation of a dream lol its just an opinion

  6. AsSalaam WaAlaykum Sister,

    Dont worry too much, either you have been through some close ones death. Please remember to pray Al-Fatiha, Ayatul Kursi, and the 5 Kalma's 3 times each. Pray for Allah's forgiveness and protection.

    Allah will help those who have faith and believe in Him...


    Jazaki Allah Khairun

  7. I had a similar dream a long time a go... just forgot about it and it didn't mean anything... but that's me I don't know what does your dream mean.

  8. be closer to Allah sister, do the prayers on time, recite Qur'an before you sleep, preferably the Mu'awethat, chapters 109, 113 and 114, in addition to 112, and supplicate what Muhammad (saw) said:

    "I take refuge in Allaah and within His Omnipotence from the evil that I feel and am wary of."

    may Allah (swt) help you.

  9. Narrated Abu Qatadah (RA), I have heard from Rasul-ALLAH, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). He (PBUH) said:

    “A good dream is from ALLAH and a bad dream is from the Shaitaan.When someone sees a bad dream, which he dislikes, he should spit on his left side and should seek refuge in ALLAH from Shaitaan.He will have no harm.” (Reported by Bukhari)

    Narrated Jabir (RA), the Messenger of ALLAH, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:

    “When someone among you sees a bad dream which he dislikes, he should spit three times on his left side and should recite ‘Audu billahi mina shaitaan-i-rajeem (I seek refuge in ALLAH from the Shaitaan rajeem (the rejected one)), and he should change his side.’” (Reported by Bayhiqi)

    Also, give Sadqah.I hope this is helpful.

  10. If you see a person who is alive, dying or dead in your dream then this means that person will have a long life inshaAllah in this world.

    your dreams means you will inshaAllah have a long life. Give some money or something in charity and pray to Allah for everything to be in your favor and forgiveness for whatever sins you commit, concsiously and unconsciously. :)

    tc ~!

  11. lol@ ayesha and Haifa!

    But seriously dreams are nothing more than dreams.Sometimes this happens to people who are going through somethings complicated in life maybe you should try relaxing and having fun with your friends, try getting a hobby because I suspect that there are problems in your life but don't worry hopefully it will get better maybe you can talk to your family and friends about it don't keep this kind of this to yourself.

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