
Question about a fawn?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, I know they're not pets. But I figure the Pets section is where I can get answers from animal lovers and people knowledgeable about them :) Across the street from us is a small wooded area, and at the edge of it is a fawn who is just sitting there and has been since yesterday. (My son just told me about it.) Would it be safe / okay to take a bowl of water to him? And if it is okay, what about food? Is there anything I could buy from a grocery store that a fawn could eat? I feel so bad :(

Thanks for your answers.




  1. Sometimes the mother leaves them for long periods of time. I would not be alarmed unless you know the fawn is hurt or the mother is dead. Watch from a distance. If you were to go near it it would run and the mother might not find it where she left it. the Doe(Mother only visits their young to nurse them which is almost always after sundown. If she feels like she left him or her in a safe place then that is where they stay. Fawns are born without a odor. The lack of this helps them blend into their habitat The doe will hide the fawn at night. her choice of spot seems safe to her but may not to you alot of times it is someones garden or in open field at daybreak fawns will be in plain sight and are ast risk fo being discovered by people. Most people mistake them for being abandoned and they are not. If there is no dead doe at side of road the fawn is not orphan. You could aproach slow and see if the fawn has a full belly. the stomach is just in front of the hind legs. If the fawn has a full stomach the belly will be in a straight line or slightly elevated from chest level. If you for some reason have to reunite with the mother keep yourself and pets far away from the fawn. It may take a good 24 hours for doe to feel safe enough to return to her baby if people and animals are around. If she returns to soon in her mind she could be leading a predator right to her babe. Needs to be rescued if walking aimlessly crying for its mother, injured or bleeding, lying on its side instead of normal postion which is on its belly with feet under from of it. Can eag Goats milk, Kids milk replacer, lambs milk. Weans on apples, deer pellets, clover corn. If any doubt or need assistance call wildlife rehabber in your area and explain. They may come take a look and it is free. Good luck I hope this helped some.    

  2. Depends on the age of the fawn my dear Zilla,...if it can walk on its own and digest solids then it should be o.k.....if younger than that and still dependent on mamas milk....: (


  3. No. Please do not feed it. Feeding or supplying water to wild animals is very dangerous and a very bad idea. It teaches them they don't have to look for their own food. If they get used to people feeding them (you may think you'll do it this once, but your neighbors may think the same thing) they will never find their own food and they will rely on people and may end up dying when you stop feeding them. Plus the deer will always come back if you feed it. If you have any garden at all you don't want that. You also don't know if there's a larger deer around who may see you as a threat and go after you but it will probably be scared of you and run anyways, which is a good thing. Not all people are good to animals and deers are afraid of people for a reason. So please do not teach it that people are good and equal food. Also they're covered in ticks that carry disease and you don't want any crawling on you.

  4. I was thinking this would be about "Prelude To The Afternoon of A Faun."  :)  My acquaintance with it is the Mallarme Symbolist poem.


    I searched and found this page(just look at the section on what they eat...I didn't realize what the rest of the page was):
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