We had a hail storm where the north side of our house, which has vinyl siding, was damaged quite a bit and the west side in a few places. The insurance adjuster came out and wants to replace the north side with new siding and wrote in enough $ for labor to take the pieces that aren't broken on the north side and replace the bad pieces on the west side. I've talked to several people who said there was a good chance that the vinyl would crack when we took it off and put it on the other side AND my main concern is the siding is 10 years old. It has faded and the north side is not going to match the other sides. My house is insured with 4 matching sides and they're asking me to patch it together with used parts and it won't match then. What should I do? Also, they are holding 50% of the total they are paying until after we have the work done so it will be money out of our pocket until we get the receipts in. How can they do this and do I have any recourse?