
Question about a peanut allergy?

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At my daughters 1 year check up I asked the Dr about peanuts/peanut butter. There are no peanut allergies that run either family, so he said it would be fine to give it to her. She is 13 months now and yesterday she had a peanut butter sandwich. Now she has a small rash around her mouth, which I read was a sign of a peanut allergy. That is the only thing I see wrong with her. Could this be a sign of her being allergic to peanuts? Also, she has had foods with peanuts in it before, but has never had a problem like this. Is it possible for her to just now get an allergy to peanuts, or is this not an allergy because she would have got it earlier?




  1. Have you called your doctor with this symptom? I would rather assume that it is an allergic reaction before I assume it is coincidental. With such an allergy it could take up to 72 hours to see reaction, but it could also take a matter of minutes to turn into a life threating situation...Just to be safe, I would give her a small dab of benedryl and call her doctor asap.

  2. it could just be a coincidence. the rash could have been there b4 the PB sandwich, you just didn't notice it. i too think you should wait until the rash clears up and then give her another PB sandwich. if she hasn't had a reaction to other peanut products and no peanut allergies are in the families, i highly doubt Ava had one.

  3. It sounds like a peanut allergy, I would speak with your child's doctor.

  4. While it is true that you can develop an allergy at any age, I wouldn't leap to that conclusion based on a rash since she has never had a problem before.

    In fact I would be more inclined to think she is intolerant to an additive in the peanut butter, or mold.  (sometimes its not the best or freshest peanuts used in peanut butter).

    PS next time you try peanut butter try making your own to eliminate the possibility that its an unlisted additive, pesticide, or mold.  Or try organic, actually the Walmart brand organic peanut butter with no added sugar is pretty tasty.

  5. it could be a coincidence, or it could be an allergy.  If she has had foods with peanuts in it before, but never a problem, I wouldn't worry too much.

    I would not give her anymore peanut butter or peanut products for 1 week, make sure the rash is completely gone.  Then give her another sandwich, and if the rash shows up again, I would talk to your doctor about it.

    Good luck.

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