
Question about a "saying"....?

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Anyone care to explain the significance of the saying on this shirt please...





  1. It's from the movie 'Anchorman: The Legend Of Ron Burgandy' .

    The character called 'Brick' played by Steve Carrell says 'I Love Lamp'. Go watch that movie, it's absolutely hilarious!

  2. Definitions:

    1. Something lights other things using artificial light.

    2. Something you love.

    3. A person that is "Just friends" (def. taken from the movie

    just friends.


    1. Turn on the lamp, it's too dark!

    2. I love lamp.

    3. When in the 'friend zone', the person who you are just friends with loves you like a brother.... or a lamp....

  3. love the lamp

  4. its a line from the movie anchor man

    in one of the scene one of the news teams keeps saying "i love lamp" over an dover again

  5. he loves light

  6. I honestly don't think it hasa meaning...and it's just random..

    but who knows.

  7. Ha! I was just looking on that website a minute ago. I was wondering the same thing. haha!

  8. you are the light of my life? i have no idea.

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